Silvestr 2008/2009 (výběr)

Nacházíš se v: Matějova galerie » Petr, oslavy a Silvestry » Silvestr 2008/2009 (výběr)

thumb of P1010860

[159 KiB]

hogwwdyj: Zk3COV <a href="">pbnhe

thumb of P1010862

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strohel: Topičem snadno a rychle... ;)

thumb of P1010870

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thumb of DSC00918

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strohel: Tak tomu říkám pořádný koule!

thumb of DSC00919

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strohel: Vono se to vohřálo!

thumb of DSC00920

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strohel: Petr size ve skutečnosti míchá, ale v duchu už sc

thumb of DSC00924

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strohel: Jak spořádaná rodinka. Kdo bude dělat mámu a kdo

thumb of DSC00925

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strohel: DJ booth v plné kráse. ;)

thumb of DSC00926

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thumb of DSC00928

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thumb of P1010882

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thumb of P1010885

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thumb of P1010889

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thumb of P1010959

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thumb of P1010892

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thumb of P1010895

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thumb of P1010898

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thumb of P1010899

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thumb of DSC00931

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thumb of P1010909

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thumb of P1010912

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thumb of P1010922

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thumb of P1010925

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thumb of P1010927

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thumb of P1010928

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thumb of DSC00934

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Réza: "Hele kémo...." :D

thumb of DSC00936

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strohel: Efektní..

thumb of DSC00937

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thumb of DSC00951

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thumb of DSC00956

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thumb of DSC00957

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thumb of P1010930

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thumb of DSC00959

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strohel: Néé. ;) Se koukni na tu její ruku, to znamená "Ha

thumb of DSC00960

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thumb of DSC00961

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thumb of P1010933

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thumb of P1010946

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thumb of P1010958

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thumb of P1010960

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thumb of DSC00965

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Bára: bylo to éééňo ňůůňo ;) jenom by mě teďka zajímalo, c

thumb of DSC00967

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thumb of DSC00968

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strohel: Ta tancechtivě zvednutá ruka, ach...

thumb of P1010974

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thumb of DSC00971

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strohel: Ani né tři hodiny a tyhle dva jak zabitý, co?

thumb of DSC00972

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strohel: DJ Vopičák, juchů! (copak se mu to tam točí za si

thumb of P1010977

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thumb of P1010978

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thumb of P1010986

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thumb of DSC00981

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strohel: Tak tady ovšem DJ Vopičák vypadá fakt profi, že?

thumb of P1010991

[130 KiB]


powered by sgal version 0.5.3 | format: 70% jpg | maxsize: 200 px | path: 2-Petr/2008-12-31-Silvestr | done in 0.555s | comments took 0.0811s