Petrovy dvacetiny

Nacházíš se v: Matějova galerie » Petr, oslavy a Silvestry » Petrovy dvacetiny

thumb of CSC01917

[113 KiB]

tptbwczwp: Yzk1AU <a href="">ofnv

thumb of DSC01860

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Gudrun: 1525

thumb of DSC01861

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strohel: Fotí něčí boty?

thumb of DSC01862

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Réza: žena s pivem (nebo s ženou?)

thumb of DSC01864

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thumb of DSC01865

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strohel: Rézův slovní komentář: ladič pijan

thumb of DSC01867

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thumb of DSC01871

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thumb of DSC01877

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thumb of DSC01879

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thumb of DSC01882

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thumb of DSC01887

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thumb of DSC01893

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thumb of DSC01894

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thumb of DSC01898

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xwcrwnjnvo: hMwoe9 <a href="">aqq

thumb of DSC01899

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strohel: Jejda

thumb of DSC01900

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thumb of DSC01901

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strohel: Myslíš Karol? Ta se smála na tvojí babičku.. ;)

thumb of DSC01902

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thumb of DSC01903

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thumb of DSC01905

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thumb of DSC01906

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thumb of DSC01908

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thumb of DSC01909

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thumb of DSC01910

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thumb of DSC01911

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thumb of DSC01913

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Réza: doufám že si všichni užívali jako já nebo Matěj ;)

thumb of DSC01916

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strohel: Zubíme se přeexponováni

thumb of DSC01918

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thumb of DSC01921

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strohel: Takto to vypadá, že se snad bavila pouze levá půlka

thumb of DSC01922

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strohel: Synchronní vylézání ze stanu

thumb of DSC01923

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thumb of DSC01924

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thumb of DSC01925

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thumb of DSC01927

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thumb of DSC01928

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thumb of DSC01929

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thumb of DSC01930

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thumb of DSC01931

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thumb of DSC01932

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Réza: punkáč a pije Heinekena :D

thumb of DSC01933

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thumb of DSC01934

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thumb of DSC01935

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powered by sgal version 0.5.3 | format: 70% jpg | maxsize: 200 px | path: 2-Petr/2008-08-Petr 20 | done in 0.72s | comments took 0.214s